
Oleh M Ghaniey Al Rasyid
24 Juni 2024, 14:35 WIB

Once in 1994 there was a freedom disaster. In Jakarta Art Council was crowded by the people with gloomy faces. They murmured to each other to Soeharto’s regime. Three magazines Editor, Tempo, Detik are banned by Regime. That condition irited for the humanity and liberty.

Tuesday, 23rd 1994 Jakarta Council crowded by people. They reacted to deny SIUPP to appear in Indonesian newspaper. Thus, they made demonstration to critic regime. Around twelve artist conveyed support to the victims. In Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta conveyed support about freedom for speech.

W.S Rendra as well known as great writers and artist contributed to cary sympathy on Pasar Seni Ancol. They Sprawled poster in front of Pasar Ancol, “SIUPP legacy by Colonial.” Big poster stretched out called the people for joining and understand how otoritarian has been living.

Demonstration mushroomed. Great reaction was shown in the street Jakartas. A day after Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Pers dan Grafika named Subrata, announced banned SIUPP. Around three hundred student, reporter, and activist had parade. They sing a song resistance. Cop and Military standing to depressed their activity.

June 1994 was full of resistance. They were speak about freedom. Newspaper and each other media’s one of a key interpretate freedom appraisal. When the press freedom is imprisoned, so the freedom is dead. In 27th June 1994, clash boomed. Demonstrant convoyed around Jakarta, after that they stood in front of Sarinah Market.

There were a stranger wear a military uniform use their rotan and pentungan to beat demonstrant. W.S Rendra that contributed on demonstration was arrested. Fifteen members of Bengkel Teater made by Rendra got the same treatment. They got amercement and forced to pay Rp. 2000,- after arrested.

Democration in Indonesia has been walking with a lot of problem. After the big chaos in 1965, Soehartos regime arisen in with genocide tragedy. And today the victims have been speaking. They have been expressing to punish preparator who made genocide without legal hendle.

The book is made by Wijaya Herlambang Exposing state Terror: Violance in Contemporarry Indonesian Literatur (2005) apocalypse the truth. Although, there are many aspect for debating, Wijaya Herlambang opened dialogue about chronicle system which is made by Suharto’s regime to decreased freedom.

Janet Steel with her research record Goenawan Mohamad known as founder of Tempo. Not only like be writers to, but also he has talent for political domination.

Goenawan mohammad had commanded the sector on special culture; Sastra, theater, art painting and thought discussion. He ever got polemic with Pramoedya Ananta Toer on Sastra Magazine debate about ideology. Goenawan need ‘sastra’ not contain about political think. When sastra were rigid by political contain, its made sastra like prison.

In 1994 Tempo got trouble when they informed aboout Suharto Regime policy to buy used ship from Germany. That information made regime mad. SIUPP was changed, and effected Tempo existence. Freedom for speech has risk for regime. There is no freedom without action. Rendra, Goenawan told about faith and pride to fight the otoritarian. And then how live today?

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